Monday, 10 October 2011

Assignment 10 - Postmodernism+Remix

This artwork is by a famous 'graffiti artist' from England called Banksy he often uses famous images or ideas and conveys a different meaning within them. He is very creative and clever with creating messages that people can contemplate. 

The idea that is portrayed in this art piece was that consumerism has over taken the true celebration of Christmas. Religion has been forgotten in the mist of materialistic things. Instead of Jesus Christ being hung on the cross he is hung up by shopping bags with present in them. This shows irony and displays contrast between the original image and the remixed image. It shows a very cultural and symbolic approach to embracing this idea of a holiday that has lost its meaning.

The comparisons between the to are undeniable and i clear link between religion and the lost meaning of Christmas to consumerism is established.  When Christmas is thought of it is the materialistic objects that enter most peoples minds not the birth of Jesus Christ.

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